We believe that prayer is an essential, foundational piece to seeing the Kingdom of God come alive in our world.

Sunday Morning Prayer

Join us every Sunday morning at 10am in our auditorium to pray over our morning gathering. All are welcome.

Nonstop Prayer

We believe in the power of steadfast prayer as a body. We as a church commit to nonstop prayer for 1 full week each year, along with 1-3 days at various times throughout the year.

The next time we will be doing nonstop prayer is in the Early Spring. Stay tuned for specific dates!

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team is a group of people committed to prayer over our community and our city. They gather throughout the year to pray and learn together, lead the way in our prayer rhythm, and are available on Sunday mornings to pray for people in and out of the Prayer Room.

Prayer Resources

The journey of prayer, although communal, should also be engaged in on your own. Here are some resources, compiled by our Pastors and Prayer Team, to help start or continue your journey of prayer.

How to Pray

How to Hear God

Red Moon Rising

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools

Have a Prayer Request?

Please let us know. Our pastoral and prayer teams would love to be praying over your requests.

Questions? Email Pastor Nick at